Depressingly hilarious meme goes viral regarding Portland Driver ID Fraud

June 16, 2023 by No Comments

This week saw Oregon receive a significant hack that stole up to 3.5 million users’ ID – which put their driver’s license details at risk. As you can imagine, locals weren’t happy about their data being fraudulently stolen, and this also exposed just how fragile personal information was stored within the realms of Oregon’s cyber security.

The number of 3.5 million people represents a whopping 83% of the total Oregon population, so to say this was a big hit would be an understatement. Sadly, this number actually rises when you take into account the fact that many of the remaining 17% probably don’t drive due to age and other circumstances.

Nonetheless, in true Portland style – some people could still manage to look on the brighter side of life. And, as you may know by now, Portland loves a good meme! As seen below, someone photoshopped the ID leak onto the front of a box of Cap N Crunch Oops! All Berries, and changed it to Opps! All IDs.

Without looking into it too deeply, it’s stuff like this which keeps Portland (and Oregon) sane and shows that the community has a good sense of humor. Undoubtedly, this data leak is a serious issue, but the fact that people can laugh at it is admirable.

On a final, serious note – hopefully people aren’t badly affected by this and it’s also a wake-up call for Oregon to update its IT infrastructure.