Detroit Diner BLASTS Cadieux Cafe for tiny food portions

June 17, 2023 by 1 Comment

Yesterday saw a disgruntled Detroit diner blast Cadieux Cafe after receiving a very different dinner compared to the one they expected. They captioned the below picture, “Expectations vs Reality” which highlighted the difference in food. As seen, the picture on the left was taken from a Google review. The photo on the right shows the food their girlfriend received via Carry Out.

Apparently, they paid $14.95 for this meal which isn’t exactly expensive. However, the portion sizes (and lack of gravy) means that they were left disappointed. You can literally count the food pieces involved, which includes five pieces of meat, five potatoes, and four carrots. Now, it’s fairly common for promotional images to look nicer than reality, but still…this is a pretty big difference.

Founded in 1930s, Cadieux Cafe has gone on to become something of a culinary institution within Detroit and even has a stellar reputation. Moving forward in time, it has over 1,100 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.6/5. With this said, it’s got a pretty good reputation which was built on selling Belgian food and beers.

With this said, it could be argued that this stew was a one-off which may be the case. Nonetheless, you can easily see how this diner wasn’t exactly happy with what they paid for. Interestingly, many locals were also quick to defend Cadieux Cafe, who claimed it had some of the best mussels in Michigan with an electric atmosphere too. So, what do you think about Cadieux Cafe? Is it still a good eatery, or is this image a sign of the times?

One Reply to “Detroit Diner BLASTS Cadieux Cafe for tiny food portions”

  1. My first question was where’s the gravy? Not where’s the beef but where’s the gravy? Great portions on the right but without the gravy it’s not stew !!!!???