Did you know that The Vesper Bar in The Cosmopolitan has a hidden SECRET menu?

June 23, 2023 by No Comments

One of the most iconic cocktail bars in Las Vegas has been hiding a big secret under our noses for quite some time. Specifically, we’re talking about The Vesper Bar which is located in the luxury Cosmopolitan hotel. This secret was found out by a woman who happened to shine a light on the menu, which showed more cocktail options than previously thought.

One person commented on her video, writing “This short makes me so mad! I’ve sat at that Vesper bar dozens of times and I thought I knew every secret at Cosmo…and then this. That hidden menu is genius.” while others jokingly claimed that you could also order chicken nuggets from the menu. Arguably, this would actually be a nice addition to the current menu!

As seen though, it’s not just any regular light that opens up the secret menu, instead you’ll have to use a UV light which is a bit harder to get hold of. This allows diners to access cocktails such as The Mayan and Green Eyed Lady. So, if you thought that The Vesper was possibly lacking certain cocktails, then you’d be pleasantly mistaken.

This also opens up another topic of conversation, which is how long this secret has been going on for. It could have been around for years, or it may be a newly released marketing gimmick. Either way, it’s pretty smart and is a nice feature. Next time you’re in The Vesper Bar, make sure to bring your UV pen!