Do YOU know anything about this hit & run incident on Seal Beach?

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

Today we saw a nasty collision that took place at Seal Beach Blvd exit on 405 South. Here, a white Honda was rear-ended by a black Porsche Macan. According to the victim, when the crashed car pulled over, the culprit then decided to speed off and was not caught. Sadly, the victim didn’t catch their license plate – which is why they’ve reached out to the Orange County public for any information, including any potential dash cam footage.

According to one passerby who witnessed the incident, they claimed that the Porsche driver was a white blonde middle aged woman – but that was the only information they had to go on.

Thankfully, the victim was not seriously injured, however they did experience some whiplash. As seen though, their car was badly damaged and possibly written off. Locals speculated that the culprit could have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as a hit-and-run charge is a lesser crime compared to a DUI. Others claimed to call up local mechanics or Porsche dealerships to see if they could find any matches.

If nothing else, this story shows hows bad certain people’s attitudes can be toward others. It’s one thing to drive dangerously, but it’s another thing altogether to flee the scene and simultaneously have no consciousness in the process.