Do YOU know this Boise man? Hit & Run driver wanted after fleeing scene

June 24, 2023 by 2 Comments

A plea has been made on social media for a mystery Boise man involved in a recent hit and run that left the other driver $2700 out of pocket. This occurrence happened a few weeks ago and since then, the man has yet to be named. According to the victim, they have also not had any follow up information from the Boise police department. So, as a hail Mary – they have tried to reach out to the public for any key information surrounding the identity of the alleged culprit.

As seen in the photo above, the alleged hit and run driver can be seen exiting a shop. He looks to be in his 60s, with a medium build and grey hair. CCTV footage also shows the man inspecting the damage of the car that he allegedly hit into while reversing in the store parking lot.

The victim also added, “A few weeks ago this person did a hit and run on my vehicle in a parking lot. He did about $2700 in damage and left a business card that was not his own on my windshield pretending to leave information in front of onlookers. Boise PD has been ignoring my emails and phone calls regarding this incident for about a week now.”

So far, internet sleuths have claimed that this man may work for Intermountain Gas due to the logo on his uniform. As of now, this is the only available information surrounding this man. However, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any information.

2 Replies to “Do YOU know this Boise man? Hit & Run driver wanted after fleeing scene”

  1. Nancy Yekel Bivens says:

    I sure hope someone steps forward and let’s you know who this person is I’ve been hit twice in a parking lot and have never found the culprit it’s very frustrating

    1. Tessa says:

      Crazy that this would get so much attention when my friend who was hit while driving down state street by a pickup truck, my friend was on a Sitdown scooter The truck came across 2 lanes of traffic the middle turn lane and then into the far right lane hitting my friend causing him to slide like 60feet on the side of bike hitting his head on curb an sliding the distance along it breaking his collarbone and shoulder and causing a ruptured lung and lacerations and a Icu stay you would think with all the cameras along that area ( right across from taco bell where the truck was coming out of) that the bpd would have something but they have not even asked for footage and my friends told from places he has to have police request it so now being a year later case still open but my friend has no closer no reimbursement after $1000 in medical bills and suffering bad is nothing but a joke at this time hell even other depts an states look at bad like they are purely pos and a disgrace to the profession . This coming from me who has 2 family members very close relatives on the force. What a joke ….