Do YOU know this San Diego wallet thief?

July 10, 2023 by 1 Comment

Today, a video emerged showing a wallet thief who struck a San Diego bike store. As seen in the video below, two men entered the store and seemingly purchased a bike tire. While the shop assistant was getting the tire in question, the man in the hi-vis clearly leans in and takes the wallet off the counter before exiting the shop.

Thankfully, this was caught on CCTV – however the alleged thief is still at large. Not only did this wallet hold financial details but sadly, it also had a lot of sentimental items too. As the victim wrote: “It had very personal items of significant value: multiple IDs including my Military Veterans ID, medical and property information, contact details of close friends and family, all my bank cards, and a large amount of cash intended to assist a family member with her living situation.”

This took place at the San Diego Bike Shop on C Street in downtown. According to internet sleuths, the man in the hi-vis also had some kind of work uniform on underneath their jacket which looked to be some kind of blue apron. However, it isn’t known what this is. Having said this, it could be key in identifying the man if someone could connect the dots.

Unfortunately, losing your wallet in C Street isn’t ideal as the area is pretty notorious when it comes to crime. With this in mind, if anyone has any information on the hi-vis individual then your knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

One Reply to “Do YOU know this San Diego wallet thief?”

  1. Brittany Preston says:

    Is the man black or is he just tanned from the sun and does he have any distinctive tattoos? If so, let me know and I’ll tell you if I know him or not because I know someone who has the same MO of wearing a vest like that and doing similar stuff.