Do YOU know this woman? Bizarre plant thief spotted in Cambridge

June 28, 2023 by No Comments

Although this may not be the worst crime in the world – a strange woman was recently caught on video stealing plant buds from the neighborhood 9 area of the city. This was recorded via the victim’s Ring doorbell and showed the shameless thief literally walk up to their plant pot, cut buds, and then flee from the scene.

What’s even stranger is that this looked fairly premeditated. The culprit drove up to the house in a black SUV before stopping and getting out. Furthermore, they also looked quite wealthy – which begs the question of why they stole the plant buds in the first place, as it’s not like they couldn’t afford them.

Writing on social media, the victim said, “I was home today and heard a bunch of shuffling outside the front door. Imagine my surprise when I check out the camera and see a lady out there cutting the flowers out of my front planter, then driving away.”

Apparently, the culprit’s plates were also taken so she could be reported to the Cambridge police. However, it does make you wonder whether doing this is even worth the time or energy considering how small the actual crime was. Some people also saw the funny side in this and jokingly claimed, “That’s a new level of ‘green’ thumb!” – And literally, they’re not wrong either.