Do you remember the Urban Legend of Polybius? – Portland’s CREEPIEST video game

May 30, 2023 by No Comments

If you’re old enough and from Portland, then you may have heard about the story of Polybius. If you haven’t, then you’re in for a treat. Over the years, this has become something of folklore within the area, and even though it’s not proven to be true, it’s still an interesting theory. Despite no evidence of it ever existing, there are genuinely older locals who claim to have played the game in the ’80s. Without further delay, here is the story of Polybius…

The story of Polybius in Portland is an urban legend that emerged in the early 1980s. It revolves around an arcade game called “Polybius” that allegedly appeared in several arcades in Portland, Oregon, during that time. According to the legend, the game was highly addictive and had strange psychological effects on its players.

The story goes that Polybius was an arcade game with cutting-edge graphics and gameplay that captured the attention of anyone who played it. Players became deeply engrossed in the game, spending hours playing and becoming addicted to its intense visuals and gameplay mechanics. However, it was rumored that the game had some sinister effects.

Players reported experiencing various symptoms after playing Polybius, including nausea, headaches, amnesia, insomnia, and even hallucinations. Some claimed that the game had subliminal messages and mind control techniques embedded within it, which caused these adverse effects. It was also said that mysterious men in black suits would occasionally visit the arcades to collect data from the machine.

Another aspect of the legend involves the disappearance of the Polybius cabinets. According to the story, the machines suddenly vanished from the arcades just a few weeks after they appeared, leaving no trace behind. This led to speculation that the game was part of a government experiment or some kind of psychological warfare tool.

Interestingly, the game is featured in an episode of The Simpsons. If you look on the bottom of the cabinet it reads “Property of the US. Government”. This isn’t too surprising, considering the Simpsons creator Matt Groening is actually from Portland.

While the legend of Polybius in Portland has captured the imaginations of many, there is no concrete evidence to support its existence. The story is often regarded as an urban legend or a creepypasta, a fictional horror story circulated on the internet. It is widely believed that the Polybius legend was created to add mystery and intrigue to the gaming world.

Nonetheless, the legend of Polybius in Portland continues to be a fascinating tale for gamers and enthusiasts of urban legends. It serves as a reminder of the power of rumors and how they can take on a life of their own, captivating people’s imaginations for years to come.