Does Orange County have the worst pedestrian safety in the country? Locals seem to think so

July 1, 2023 by No Comments

Orange County residents have been moaning lately about the public infrastructure in the area that is below standards. This is actually quite ironic, considering that Orange County is one of the wealthiest places in the entire country.

However, the image below showed just why people weren’t happy. Taken in Fullerton, this shows cars and no sidewalk – which begs the question of how people are meant to walk safely around the area. Sadly, this isn’t the only place like this either, and it seems that there are quite a few routes like this around the OC.

Having said this, it could also be much worse. Although dangerous enough for an able-bodied person, making the above journey would be much harder if you were disabled. This was also mentioned by one local who claimed: “Can you imagine being a wheelchair user or disabled person in general? Anytime I come across awful pedestrian infrastructure, I just put myself in their shoes and it just suddenly becomes 10x harder to navigate.”

One resident saw the funny side in this – and said: “This is actually really good city building for OC. After you cross the street, you are able to take cover behind the sandbags from any nearby white Teslas.” In fairness, they have a point. Hopefully, something is done about this sooner rather than later. Until then, there’s sadly a strong chance that this infrastructure could seriously injure someone…or worse.