Does this one image sum up Boston’s bad driving reputation?

June 23, 2023 by No Comments

Over the years, Boston has gained a nationwide reputation for having notoriously bad drivers. This was even a part of Boston comedian Bill Burr’s old sketch where he explained how aggressive drivers from Boston could be. Despite many Bostonian’s attempts to refute these claims, it looks as though this one recent image sums up the state of Boston driving perfectly. If you’re someone who genuinely believes that driving in Boston isn’t bad, then you may want to look away now.

As seen in the photo below, many of the drivers are using the left-only lane to turn to the right lane. In doing this, you can also see countless cars running the red light and creating mass congestion in the process.

On social media, Bostonians widely condemned this scene – with one saying “Yeah, this is literally a daily occurrence there. Each of these people have probably been doing this for years.” with another adding, “The best part is that most of the dumb stuff they do doesn’t even save them time. I swear Boston drivers just want to hack each other off.”

This also has some potentially serious implications. Not only is driving like this dangerous to yourself and other road users, there are also problems that can occur for ambulance and police cars if they’re stuck in traffic when trying to get to an emergency. In other words, selfish driving can seriously affect lives, so next time you’re on the roads – try to be mindful and avoid featuring in one of these photos!