Fantasy Rail routes gains universal praise from Buffalo residents

July 10, 2023 by No Comments

A newly designed, fantasy route for Buffalo’s NFTA metro and commuter rail has recently gone viral on social media and has been universally praised as a ‘game changer.’ Now, before you get too excited, it should also be pointed out that this is a mock drawing and is not reality. Obviously, implementing something like this in the real world would take years and potentially billions of dollars to complete.

Having said this, it didn’t stop the people of Buffalo from dreaming and fantasizing about better forms of public transport. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is, we can all agree that better transport links would improve the lives for everyone.

Reacting on social media, one user wrote: “I think that would be awesome. I do wonder if it would be used like it would need to be though. You cannot spend this kind of money without studies that show its potential usage.”

Elsewhere, another person said, “I’d never have to buy a car at this point to get anywhere because the train would literally cover everywhere I’d want to go.”

Having said this, there was one reoccurring criticism that was genuinely valid. To have something like this implemented with the current population of Buffalo would not really be viable. As Buffalo’s population sits well under 300,000 – it seems like this would be incredible, but not realistic and would be too expensive. So, unless Buffalo undergoes some kind of major population expansion within the next few years, then sadly this one is a non-starter.