Fort Worth Locals FUMING over paintball prankster

June 19, 2023 by No Comments

Recently, Fort Worth locals got into discussion regarding a rogue prankster who had targeted residents with a paintball gun. Apparently, the suspect had done drive-by type shootings on innocent bystanders before driving away. Specifically, the incident in question took place on Rosemont park over the weekend.

Sadly, it doesn’t stop there. This comment prompted others to share similar experiences. One person claimed, “We were out of town this past weekend. I did notice on the Fairmount Neighborhood Facebook page that our street had cars vandalized with cars and houses hit by a paintball gun.” Another replied by saying “Those paintball drive-by people better be careful. That’s a great way to get shot.”

The incident was said to have taken place at Rosemont Park over the weekend

It should also be noted that shooting someone with a paintball gun in Texas is a criminal offense and is considered assault or battery. Despite not being deadly like a regular firearm, paintball guns can cause damage. It goes without saying that they can cause vandalism by staining targets with paint. However, they can also cause severe injuries.

In rare cases, they can cause blindness if the target is hit in the eye. Usually, when practicing paintball as a pass time, hobbyists are forced to wear protective goggles to avoid life changing injuries. In other words, despite lacking the power of a regular bullet, a paintball can still have awful consequences and they should be taken seriously as a result.

Because of this, we advise Fort Worth locals to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity or offenses to the authorities if they have any future paintball problems.