Fresno lawn shows weird holes – But can you guess what they are?

July 10, 2023 by No Comments

One Fresno resident was shocked over the weekend when they woke up to see the state of their front lawn. As seen in the image below, the lawn has two huge holes where the ground has sunk. Apparently, this happened very quickly and within the space of a couple of days.

This led internet sleuths to speculate on the origin of these holes – with some claiming they were from gophers, while others believed it may have been from broken sprinkler pipes. However, the resident claimed that neither of these was the cause.

They also claimed that there were no dirt mounds either, which also eliminates the gopher theory. As seen, the grass in these areas is a darker shade compared to the rest of the yard, which shows where the turf has been impacted by the sinkhole.

Speaking of sinkholes, it’s also possible that this could have been the start of a sinkhole, which would obviously spell big trouble for the homeowner. With this in mind, it’s probably a good idea for the homeowner to call the city of Fresno as it’s better to be safe rather than sorry.

Unfortunately for the curious amongst us, this story gives out more questions than it does answers and for now remains unsolved. However, if you have any alternate theories then let us know.