FURY as iconic Nashville bison statue vandalized

July 4, 2023 by No Comments

Over the years, the Nashville community has come to love the bison statues found at Dickerson Road and it’s fair to say that they add character to the area. So, it’s understandable that people weren’t happy to see it vandalized. These bison have been standing in the same spot since 2009 when they were first created. As a result, they have since been described as a modern landmark within Nashville.

A recent photo emerged showing one of the bison covered in a blue tag that read ‘Syke‘ which was done by a graffiti artist. Not only was this disrespectful to the owner of the bison – but it was also poorly executed with little technical proficiency. In short, it was trashy and certainly didn’t look good.

Speaking on social media, one Nashville resident said: “That looks bad and they should feel bad. It’s a bad tag. At least work on it before doing something like this.” while another claimed, “The miscreants who tagged it need to clean it up.”

Even if you like street art, it just looks plain ugly. Others said that they would happily paint over it in brown – and hopefully this gets done as soon as possible. Sadly, this is also an example of how disrespectful some people are when it comes to the property of others. And, even though this isn’t the biggest crime ever, it’s still an example of selfish neglect.