Future Shock Records Property listed for sale – It can be yours but the cost is NOT cheap

May 17, 2023 by No Comments

One of the quirkiest music shops in Portland is up for sale (kind of). Whilst Future Shock Records itself is not up for sale, you can but the premises that it’s located on. Having said this, you will need some serious money to be able to afford this, as it is listed on Zillow for a cool $1,165,000. In other words, even if you’re madly into real estate, this one may be off-budget for most people.

At the same time, it honestly doesn’t seem like a terrible deal. Included in the package is the commercial space that is rented out to Future Shock Records (on the ground floor). As the record shop has been located here for 10 years, it seems like a safe bet for reoccurring income.

Above the shop are various apartments that can also be let out to tenants. As seen below, there isn’t much space as the bed is located just a couple of meters away from the couch. Nonetheless, Portland real estate has never really been cheap either.

One other thing to note is the decor. As seen below, the one kitchen does look like it’s straight out of the 90s. At the same time, some of the other kitchens included do look more modern in fairness. However, this dated interior may be off-putting for certain buyers.

So, what does the price tag get you exactly? Aside from the shop, it also comes with 4 residential units. In other words, if this property was filled, you would be getting a rental income from 5 tenants. Not bad, if you can afford it. This includes 1 studio, and 3 one-bedroom apartments. According to Zillow, it also rents out at $1,350 per month (this isn’t known whether it’s the studio or an apartment). Still, you’d have to wait a while to see a return on investment with this one!

Above is the shared backyard. Overall, this doesn’t look too inspiring and could do with a bit of a makeover. Whether this property actually sells remains to be seen. At the same time, it’s pretty cool to see inside the flats above Future Shock Records which have often piqued the curiosity of locals.