Gang of Teens on bikes cause traffic MAYHEM in Bakersfield

June 20, 2023 by 15 Comments

Yesterday saw a gang of rowdy teenagers cause mayhem in downtown Bakersfield. Here, they broke various traffic laws and risked their safety (as well as the safety of others) while riding around recklessly. As seen in the video, this group was quite intimidating due to their large numbers, with around 40 of them in total.

Said video was recorded by a passenger in one of the cars, which highlighted the utter stupidity of the youths. Here, they did wheely’s, ran red lights, pulled out on moving cars, and weaved in between traffic. Apparently, they also played chicken which is possibly even more dangerous than the problems caused on screen.

Speaking out against these kids, Bakersfield locals said, “I’m worried about those kids because all it takes is the right person behind the wheel to cause a massacre hopefully the kids don’t have to encounter that” and “It’s an instant way to find out which preteens have the laziest, least-involved parents.”

However, one person chimed in claiming that this took place every weekend on 21st Street near the skate park at Beach Park. According to this person, they claimed the kids were harmless (if not stupid) and most people didn’t care. So, is this just a case of student high jinx, or is it a serious accident waiting to happen…or perhaps it’s actually a bit of both?

15 Replies to “Gang of Teens on bikes cause traffic MAYHEM in Bakersfield”

  1. Maryjane Chavez says:

    It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Do they even know that they could have caused ..some serious wrecks and they could have got hurt themselves. There should be some consequences for their actions.

  2. Patty says:

    Give the parentsthe ticket for not keeping track of your teenager’s

    1. Brenda says:

      I’ve been screaming that suggestion for as long as I remember!!!! Make the PARENTS responsible for their kids actions, that will solve alot of problems

  3. Kathleen Bridget Kozlowski says:

    How is this “harmless”? Someone, either one of the cyclists or a driver, is going to get hurt, and then who’s going to be mad? Probably the parents of one of these silly cyclists. They’ll blame the driver who hit them because they don’t want to blame themselves or their silly kid.

    1. Renee J Garcia says:

      I wouldn’t swerve to miss them!!!!

  4. Rhonda Messersmith says:

    There should be consequences by their parents and the BPD.
    The kids actions are dangerous. If an innocent citizen gets injured or even dies, there will be a huge uproar. Time for the BPD to get involved. Do a sting operation, give them all a ticket, send them home.

    When they appear in court give them each four weekends of community service. No excuses, no whining. It’s four weekends. Period. If the kids don’t show, Dad and Mom pay a fine. Next no show, bigger fine. Could get expensive for the parents but to bad, they should have paid attention.

  5. Carol says:

    Arrest the law breakers and take their bikes away. Send them to traffic school before they get their bikes back. That’s the first offense. After that….maybe keep their bikes for a few months…then…well.
    These are NOT just kids having fun. These kids are feeding off each other and being bullies!!! Teach them this is ok and these same kids will take that affirmation with them in whatever they do. It’s time to crack down….HARD!

  6. Lisa says:

    The City now knows (or in the future,”should have known”,) that multiple street and sidewalk access laws are being broken and could lead to injury or death. If they (the city and BPD) choose not to study the video and issue citations or make arrests, well, can you repeat after me: “lawsuit”?

    This is no different from street takeovers. Enforcement agencies need to treat it as such for parents who allow it as kids just having fun.

  7. Thomas says:

    It’s all fun until someone get killed

  8. Greg says:

    These kids do this all over town. I’ve seen them on Panorama, Oak st, Riverlakes, The Marketplace. I don’t know how the cops can catch them, but they could try to catch a few and send a message.

  9. Chasity says:

    This is extremely dangerous for the kids, driver’s and any pedestrians that are on sidewalks if these kids end up causing an accident! Plus they don’t just ride their bikes, but they throw things at the cars as well. They are known to go to school and tell their teachers that they enjoy doing this because they know it frustrates drivers but that the police can’t touch them! This is not just a bunch of kids trying to have fun! These are very menacing pre-adults who will very likely go into a life of crime. Some of those in the video actually looked like they may be older than 18 already. There needs to be stiff consequences for the kids and their parents for this behavior.

  10. diana moon says:

    They need to get facial recognition and arrest them for causing a traffic issue. I can guarantee you if one of them had been hit, the parent of that child would have been demanding the driver be arrested. Theses types of incidents need to stop NOW!!!!

    1. Renee J Garcia says:

      EXACTLY!!! Like I said before, the parents know what they’re doing!!!! Out of sight, out of mind!!!

  11. Lamar Kerley Brandysky says:

    I think this should be considered as a DUI for an an adult: the bicycles should be impounded and the parents charged $100s of to get them back. The deliqunts should be forced to go to some sort of weekend school and placed on probation.

  12. Aaron says:

    They all should be arrested. There bikes taken. And if it continues there parents penalized. They are braking the law. That is what is wrong with this state. When you call the police they do nothing because what is the point. The bleeding hart’s say they are being authoritarian. Well ya they are the authorities.