Genius or just cheap? NYC man uses stationary Citi Bike for free workout

July 8, 2023 by No Comments

Historically, New York City has had a number of smart-thinking fitness fanatics who use public places to work out. This is where calisthenics comes from and has now grown into a massive industry. Not only this – but life in NYC isn’t always easy either and can be very expensive.

Nonetheless, you’ve probably never seen a man use a stationary Citi bike before to get some cardio gains. This is exactly what happened yesterday and he was caught on camera. Here, the man used the Citi bike exactly like an exercise bike and was really going at it as well. Undoubtedly in the summer heat, he’d have burned a decent amount of calories using this unusual workout technique.

Reacting on social media, New Yorkers praised him for his creativity and also saw the funny side of things. Here, one quipped, “It’s better than Pelaton!” while another also claimed that they’d done the same thing before.

According to research, the average cost of a gym membership in New York costs $106 per month which works out at well over $1200 per year. The price of using a Citi bike also costs a minimum of $4.49 which also represents a decent saving if you wanted to ride it freely. With this in mind, we’re siding with those who complimented the man and say well done for his ingenious use of the city’s surroundings.