Gin and Tonic

December 18, 2022 by No Comments

It has been the best weekend. We stayed home a lot. We went to see Birdman and loved it- you should check it out. It’s sure to be an Oscar contender. We made some great meals and we also started watching Transparent, which is *awesome* after a couple of episodes.

I’m excited to be back on track with the blog for 2015. I have some great healthy foods coming up this week, but first, a cocktail.

Do I really need to post about such a simple cocktail? I think so – it’s important to master the classics. Here’s why – besides the fact that the proper proportions matter: similarly to cocktails like the daiquiri and the margarita, a gin and tonic can be mucked up when you use terrible ingredients – and that can mean either the gin or the tonic water.

I also like to use two limes, because what drink isn’t improved with a little more lime? I haven’t found one yet.

Here’s what you need:

3 oz. good gin
4 oz. Fever Tree tonic water.
Two lime wedges
The largest ice cubes

Muddle one lime wedge in the bottom of a collins glass and then fill the glass with ice. Pour the gin over the ice first, then the tonic water. Garnish with another lime wedge.