Hallucinating Homeless Man HAMMERS On Door In Hillsboro

June 14, 2023 by 4 Comments

If you live in the suburbs then you’re usually accustomed to a quiet and peaceful life. Whilst Hillsboro is not Beverley Hills, it’s certainly a slower pace of life than downtown Portland.

However, this family got quite a surprise when a homeless man decided that they were in danger and he must try to save them.

Recorded on a ring doorbell, the man is clearly under the influence of drugs and does seem genuinely concerned about the occupants. At the start of the clip, you can literally see him attempt to kick the door down, before hammering his fist on the door repeatedly and shouting for police help.


Holding an open shoebox with 2 red shoes inside, the shirtless man seems very unhinged and is likely having a hallucinogenic experience and seems very agitated about the homeowner. At the end of the clip he shouts “we gotta call the police” alongside the strange phrase “we’ve got to save the world”.

From a legal standpoint, although this is incredibly alarming, it doesn’t seem like the man in question has broken the law. As the incident was brief and he moved away on his own.

In general, repeatedly knocking on someone’s door in a manner that causes annoyance, harassment, or alarm could potentially be considered a violation of the law. It could be seen as a form of trespassing or disturbing the peace, depending on the circumstances and the intent behind the action. Laws related to harassment, stalking, or disorderly conduct may also come into play.

However, this does bring in to question, what would happen if the occupant was an elderly person who did not have a video doorbell? They may have genuinely thought that something quite terrifying was going on outside and gone to their door to try and help. If the man was truly hallucinating, anything could have happened and this would have ended up in a far worse situation.

If anything, this incident highlights the cities drug problem and displays that people like this should be getting treatment in a neutral environment, away from people they can potentially cause harm.

4 Replies to “Hallucinating Homeless Man HAMMERS On Door In Hillsboro”

  1. Penelope Rose Campbell says:

    I think he was just high and messing with them. He made bad decisions obviously but drug users are always the victims to themselves.It doesn’t matter to them if you work hard and opted out of the party to study for a good education.

    1. Deb says:

      This is problem Oregon and Portland have created. Decriminalizinh of illegal substances has caused this problem. These people need to be arrested and locked away. This man was not messing with them he is dangerous under the influence.

  2. Brenda says:

    Portland’s death rattle. 🙁

  3. Tish says:

    Have you ever thought that maybe he is not high but insane? Come on people… it’s not always drugs that’s the cause. He is living on the streets. Most homeless don’t have the money to pay their bills let alone drugs. Think about it and Stop blaming everything on drugs.