Has ‘Zombie drug’ Tranq arrived in Portland? Local residents seem to think so…

May 16, 2023 by No Comments

Over the past few months, growing concerns have risen about the arrival of ‘tranq’ coming to Portland. This drug is a mixture of xylazine (a sedative) which is often mixed with fentanyl. As you can imagine then, it is sadly well worthy of its ‘zombie’ reputation, whereby its users become brainless with rotting scabs.

As we already know, Portland already has a huge drug issue – which many put down to its legalization of drugs. In short, there are already scores of homeless on the city streets of Portland, with no end or solution in sight.

Now, locals are fearing the worst, and many believe that tranq is already here. Surely, this bad scenario couldn’t get any worse? Well, bigger problems may be just around the corner. As seen in the image below, there are signs that tranq may already be in the city:

This wasn’t just one local though, in fact – there are many people who have claimed similar – writing “Tranq is now in Portland”, “Nah, this is that tranq ish! Fent mixed with another drug, eats your skin away to the bones. This is sadly everywhere in downtown Portland currently!” and “We already have zombies in places like California and Portland. Those folks taking fentanyl with the horse tranq are turning into the zombies on the streets.”

Interestingly though, there haven’t really been any official statements as to whether tranq has actually arrived. However, based on news reports in surrounding areas – it is surely an inevitability at this point, and that’s assuming that it’s not already here.