Have you encountered this STRANGE man near Inman?

July 4, 2023 by No Comments

“A recent discussion took place on social media whereby various people had encountered the same, strange man near Inman Square in Cambridge. This was first reported by someone claiming that they had been approached by a man with “A tan, British accent, shorter, glasses and an earpiece in” who asked them if they knew the directions to MIT.

Apparently, the person then realized that this same person had asked exactly the same questions to them months ago, which is when they got suspicious and kindly told the man to go away. After walking away, they claimed the man continued to talk to someone in his earpiece before approaching others. Understandably, this encounter left them quite spooked.

The man above is used as an example.

This sparked a wider discussion with others, whereby they had also interacted with this weird man. A different Cambridge resident had this to say: “I ran into him earlier today too. What the hell is that guy’s deal? Said he just moved from UK and looking for some things to do around the area.” whereas another person claimed: “I also have had this exact same conversation with this guy, and he was also holding his phone strangely. Weird.”

It seems that no one actually knows what is going on, and overall the vibe with this guy is quite creepy and offputting. If you do happen to bump into him, then it’s best to avoid conversation and move on. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem dangerous though. On a final note, if anyone does know what he’s up to then please let us know in the comments.