Have you ever taken advice from this Boston legend?

July 12, 2023 by No Comments

For many years, George Vaill has been located in Havard Square and happily gives out advice to passersby. When taking advice from George, there are three rules that you must abide by. These are: You can’t pay him, you can’t discuss politics, and you can’t discuss religion. In fairness, this seems like a very good system to avoid arguments. If these rules are anything to go by, then you could assume that his advice is good as well.

Not only this, but he’s also not exactly young either – which means that he’s probably got years of life experience under his belt. Interestingly though, George has been doing this gig for decades, so it makes you wonder what his career and life was like years before he took to devoting his time to advising people.

When thinking about it deeper, there’s also a certain irony about a man offering free advice on the street while being located fairly close to Havard University where students are effectively paying over $55,000 per year for expert advice. So, if you’re on a budget or just want a chat – then this guy is your go-to.

Over the years, people have spoken to him about all sorts of things, from career choices to relationship struggles and anything in between. So, if you’re looking for some life advice then head down to Havard Square. However, always remember the three rules!