Have YOU seen this St. Louis local icon?

July 8, 2023 by No Comments

One of the biggest characters in St. Louis is known as Keytar Kyle and if you’ve been in the city long enough then you may have bumped into him. As you may have guessed, his alias comes from his love of the keytar (a keyboard in the form of a guitar) and also that his first name is Kyle.

Aside from this, he’s often sighted playing the keytar in public with long flowing hair, and a variety of strange outfits. As seen below – he even once played the keytar with a flaming melon on his head. Seriously, you know he’s a character when his pants are the last thing you notice about him.

Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of local stories circulating about Keytar Kyle, with some even speculating that he’s homeless. In reality, not much is known about him – but several people have claimed to have hung out with him – and apparently, he’s a genuinely nice, articulate guy. In other words, despite the mysticism surrounding his persona, it’s probably just a case of him being a quirky busker rather than some crazy backstory.

So, if you’re lucky enough to see him around St. Louis then say hello and be respectful. Despite his strange look, Keytar Kyle is a genuinely talented musician and is one of the reasons why we love St. Louis!