Hawaiians BERATE the lack of Tesla chargers on the island

June 25, 2023 by No Comments

Today, a discussion on social media centered around the lack of Tesla chargers available on the Hawaiian islands. As of right now, there are a mere eight superchargers in Hawaii. To put this into perspective, the city of Austin, TX has nine superchargers, despite being significantly smaller in population than Hawaii, with under one million residents.

As a result, it’s no wonder then that many Hawaiians weren’t happy with Tesla. This comes after one local claimed to see a whopping fifteen people queuing up to use a Tesla charger near Pearlridge Mall. According to the numbers, this is because a single supercharger costs around $100,000 to install, so they’re not really cheap or cost-effective.

This means that realistically, if you want to drive a Tesla in Hawaii, you’ll need your own personal charger, otherwise it’s just not worth it. As seen in the image below, there aren’t really many choices for public charging when you look at the island.

Such is the lack of chargers in Hawaii, is that it’s even caused envy – with one user writing, “The worse of the bunch are people that park their car on the charger for hours. For example, Ala Moana employees park their car on the charger when they start their shift, then unplug it 8 hours later when they go home.”

So, if you do want a Tesla in Hawaii then by all means, buy one. However, it’s probably best to have your own charging station (or a lot of patience) before you make the commitment.