Hawaiians BLAST ‘Overpriced Chicken Coup’ rental

June 23, 2023 by No Comments

Over the years, property prices in Hawaii have gone through the roof. Having said this, if you’re savvy enough then you may be lucky to find a bargain. At the same time, with deals like this on offer, it’s unsurprising why so many renters are feeling defeated. We present to you, this one bedroom ‘house’ which is available for the princely sum of just $600.

At first glance, this price sounds reasonable…but if you see the picture then it all makes sense. As seen in the photo below, it isn’t really a house and is more akin to a wooden structure. Not only this but bizarrely, it also has very large windows. This is why it’s been described as a ‘chicken coup’, because that’s exactly what it looks like. In other words, if you value your privacy, then this isn’t for you.

One resident summed up this house perfectly by simply stating, “For an extra $200/month they’ll put the chickens back in there with you to fend off the centipedes.”

However, not everyone was in agreement. Such are the high prices in Hawaii, that this actually garnered quite a lot of interest. In fact, some even claimed their current rental situations were worse than this – and for the $600 you couldn’t go wrong!

So, is this a case of Hawaiian property prices going too high, or are we just being picky and unappreciative? One thing is for sure though, you can’t say that this location doesn’t have plenty of character!