Hilarious flyer seeks help finding the infamous Multnomah ‘East County Dumper’

March 25, 2023 by No Comments

Despite living in Portland for many years, I have to admit that I’d never heard of the infamous ‘East County Dumper’ until recently. This is a term used to describe the anonymous person who literally goes around defecating in random, public areas in the Multnomah region of PDX.

As written on the flyer, it says “Since 2018, over 500 bags filled with human poop have been dumped along rural roads near Troutdale, Springdale, and Corbett.” It also goes on to allude that this is human feces as well. So, if your first thought were that it was a lazy dog walker then think again. Instead, it’s a human!

On social media, this also led to people discussing the identity of the dumper. Some argued that it could be an entire family, whilst another believed it could be someone with an inflammatory bowel disease who used the bags out of necessity.

The flyer also has a phone number you can call for any tips or if you spot the East County Dumper. This isn’t some kind of joke or meme either, as the flyer was literally created and distributed by the Multnomah County Code.

So, if you’ve ever had any experiences with the East County Dumper then let me know in the comments, as I was genuinely unaware when first hearing about it.