Hilarious meme divides opinions on the ‘decline’ of Portland City

May 10, 2023 by 1 Comment

Recently, a hilarious meme went viral which divided local opinions on the potential decline of Portland as a city. Here, it showed a wholesome picture of Mickey Mouse at Disneyland where everything looked nice and proper. Above this image read the caption, “The rest of Oregon”. It then had a picture of a demonic-looking Mickey Mouse hiding in a creepy basement. This image was captioned, “Portland”. Check out the image in question below:

Commenting on the meme, locals responded by saying: “Portland is still awesome.. GTFOH”, whereas others weren’t so complimentary, adding “Portland was fine until the anarchists came” and “Home Sweet Home.”

It’s no secret that Portland is a quirky place that has a bit of a strange reputation at times. And, memes often exaggerate reality. Nonetheless, this seemed to definitely touch a nerve with some, who viewed it as accurate. Having said this, you could argue that many US cities have struggled in recent times, so in fairness it’s not just Portland that has had a tough time as far as its reputation is concerned. Let us know what you think about this meme in the comments section, and whether it’s accurate or whether it’s overly-critical of our wonderfully unusual city!

One Reply to “Hilarious meme divides opinions on the ‘decline’ of Portland City”

  1. Daniel Florea says:

    I’m seventy years I’ve never seen such a incompetent mayor the entire leadership in Portland is morabund. The city has turned into a dump . Wheeler turned the crown jewel of the west coast into a joke of a city . Rocks under overpass’es to keep tents out! Please this is the money we waste !