HILARIOUS photo shows Boston Turkey in Car Standoff

June 28, 2023 by 1 Comment

Over the years, Boston has had a reputation for housing a lot of turkeys. For some reason, they just seem to love the city and sometimes, they can be a little arrogant too (much like many of the people here!)

This was seen yesterday when a hilarious photo showed a turkey in Allston that was stopping a Boston Transportation Department car from moving. Here, the bird defiantly stood in front of the car, as if the two were having a standoff. And yes, Bostonians were quick to see the irony in this image – as it happened to be a BTD car out of all the possible vehicles to stand in front of.

Speaking of which, many locals had their say on the matter and unsurprisingly, many jokes were had. One person commented, “What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?” while another wrote, “Excuse me, Sir, do you know the way to Blanchard’s?”

However, perhaps the funniest comment of the day was simply, “Turkey vs. Vulture”, which was a reference to the parking tickets often handed out by the BTD. According to another person, this turkey had been seen many times around Allston over the past few weeks and had previously stood in certain spots for hours at a time. Unfortunately, we don’t know what happened to the fate of the bird or driver in the above picture, but our money is definitely on the turkey!

One Reply to “HILARIOUS photo shows Boston Turkey in Car Standoff”

  1. Char says:

    I witnessed 2 Turkeys following behind a Jogger on Carson beach, it was HYSTERICAL! I wish I caught that on video!