Hilarious Portland ‘Starter Pack’ goes viral for all the right reasons

March 22, 2023 by No Comments

Over the years the starter pack meme has often been spot-on in portraying societal cliches and subcultures. For instance, you may have seen the freshman starter pack that includes Hollister clothes, copious amounts of beer, and other similar aspects of ‘campus bro’ life.

This week saw a starter pack exclusive to people walking at night in Portland. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…the Portland Walking At Night Starter Pack.

As seen, this has a bit of something for everyone. If it’s too sunny, you have sunglasses. Walking up a large hill? You have sturdy boots. A little chilly? Gloves. And of course, for some reason it’s always black. Don’t ask me why. On a side note though, it does simultaneously look pretty cool as well.

Unsurprisingly, commenters also had quite a lot to say as this starter pack seemed to hit the nail on the head as far as Portland was concerned. Comments included:

“All black. Day and night, spring, summer, fall, and winter. I dress for the weather I want, not the weather we have.”

“I dress for my soul.”

“Honestly as someone who takes transit and has to wear black for work and gets off late. It’s not even worth it to wear hi vis drivers just plain don’t give a fuck and then blame the pedestrian. I’ve gotten almost hit more times when I was wearing the hi vis vest and had my flashlight than I do wearing all black.

It’s frankly miles safer for me to be invisible and act like it than it is to hope drivers will do the right thing.”

So, next time you go out at night in Portland, check for this cliche…it may make you smile!