HILARIOUS response to passive-aggressive flyer goes viral on social media

May 19, 2023 by 1 Comment

Let’s be honest, the saying ‘Keep Portland weird’ is often very truthful. Recently, a response to a very passive-aggressive flyer went viral, which shows exactly why the aforementioned phrase is so relevant to our beloved city.

As seen in the picture below, the original flyer reads, “To the guy who smashed my car window – you owe me a car window. That’s about $400, how do you intend to pay for it?” In fairness, this isn’t an unreasonable question but obviously, sticking up a flyer on a pole isn’t going to get any serious answers. In fact, the original perpetrator probably won’t even see the flyer, let alone pay for it. In other words, whilst we can emphasize with the person’s smashed car window – it still seems a pointless response to do.

The response in question was utterly hilarious – which simply replied, “With Portland’s true currency.” Above this was a used beer can. Now, it’s not ideal that Portland is littered with trash and empty beers…however, you get the point. In fact, you could argue that such a serious (and pointless) original flyer is asking for such a silly response. What’s even stranger is that the original flyer was also printed with a black background, which would have cost a small fortune in ink!

Anyway, this highlights more of Portland’s quirky humor – and yet another day in the life of weird Portland.

One Reply to “HILARIOUS response to passive-aggressive flyer goes viral on social media”

  1. Jim says:

    So true Portlanders just shut up and bend over? That’s about what it looks like when I go there. A pathetic dump full of pathetic beaten-down people.