HILARIOUS Trickster edits Tuscon Billboard

June 30, 2023 by 1 Comment

A Tuscon billboard was recently edited to completely change its meaning. The billboard was photographed on Craycroft Rd and was originally advertising for jobs. Originally, the advert read, “Become an Arizona State Trooper” and had pictures of State Troopers in their uniforms.

However, a hilarious trickster changed the wording of the advert by using a black marker pen. Impressively, they removed the ‘T’ and part of the ‘R’, to make the advert read “Become an Arizona State Pooper” instead. Although this humor is juvenile, locals still managed to see the funny side as this advert was displayed to thousands of cars in passing traffic.

On social media, one Tusconan wrote, “Somebody fulfilled my dream haha. I always daydream when I drive around town and I see these billboards and I think of funny ways to alter them but I would never have the guts to do it. Glad somebody else did!

Even a couple of days later, the edit still remains in place and may do so until the foreseeable future. Because of this, it would be interesting if anyone did still apply (either to the original job or to the new profession advertised!)

In all seriousness, this job deserves more credit (the first job, that is) – and earns roughly $65,000 which is a respectable salary. So, if you want to apply then check out the job application here.

One Reply to “HILARIOUS Trickster edits Tuscon Billboard”

  1. Steve says:

    Watch, the Conspiracy Nutters will spin this into a draconian ‘message.’