HILARIOUS video shows influencers feel the wrath of the Hawaii ocean

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

These days, influencers will seemingly risk death to get the perfect Instagram snap. And this seems to be the case with one video that was recently uploaded to the very same platform. Here, two bikini-clad women were taking a photo on the rocks, right next to the ocean.

Just before the camera was due to click, they were rudely interrupted by a gigantic wave that washed them down the rocks. This prompted a passerby to turn toward the camera and proclaim “Oh my God” as the full force of the sea was on full show. Due to the sheer force of the wave, the women were actually dragged quite far, so we can only wish they came out of it ok.


Having said this, not everyone saw the funny side – with one Instagram account commenting, “Not funny. Our waves can be small one moment and big the next. Never turn your back on the Ocean.”

Despite influencers not having the best reputation around Hawaii beauty spots, this is actually very good advice, as it’s always good to respect the power of nature. Another, similar piece of advice was given with someone else commenting: “When you do not see locals in this area, it should tell you something.”

Always remember kids, just because an area can look tropical and exciting, it doesn’t always mean its safe. Secondly, sometimes vanity is worth the price that it costs to look cool either.