Horses seen using Fort Worth Whataburger Drive Thru

June 22, 2023 by No Comments

If Texas was summed up in physical form, then this may just be it. Photographed yesterday, a pair of Texans were seen using their horses to access the drive thru at the local Whataburger restaurant at Benbrook, Fort Worth.

This may seem a little odd, but it’s actually perfectly legal – as is riding horseback in certain locations (within reason). In fact, you could argue that this method of transport is actually a bit nicer compared to using your car to access the drive thru. This is because there’s not much better getting a Whataburger meal in the heat whilst riding on horseback, compared to a stuffy car caught in traffic!

Although a novelty, this isn’t too unusual given the context. This is because there’s actually a large horse stable in the nearby vicinity. So, you could easily see local horse riders using their assets to grab a quick bite to eat.

According to locals, this sight isn’t that rare either, and if there’s a few horseback burger lovers dotted around Texas. Speaking on this, one Fort Worth local claimed, “I’ve seen that more than once at the old Whataburger there. I’m in Venus now and it’s not uncommon for a horse to be tied up in front while someone picks their order up.”

If nothing else, this should hopefully brighten your day and act as a good dose of Texas charm at its best. On a final note, it does make you wonder if they shared any of their fries with the horses!