How did that get there? Freak car crash astounds New Orleanians

June 22, 2023 by 1 Comment

At the best of times, New Orleans can feel like a bit of a concrete jungle. However, Magazine Street in particular can get very busy due to the popularity of its restaurants. It seems that some people took this too far and the excitement got the best of them – which resulted in a freak car crash. As seen in the picture below, we still can’t really understand what happened. It looks as though the black car somehow mounted the the tire of the red car – which seems like a very low percentage outcome of a car collision.

This led to multiple theories on social media regarding how this happened, with many suggesting that the red middle car was double parked and that the outer car tried to bypass it. At some point, this resulted in the collision which someone was quick to photograph. Sadly, these cars looked pretty new as well, meaning the cost of repair was probably quite high.

Seeing the funny side of things, New Orleanians were quick to joke about the spectacle, with one claiming the cars were fighting over a spot at the nearby Pomelo restaurant. Another person commented, “Does the BMW have to pay for parking or does the Caddy pay for both of them?”

In a bizarre twist, these cars also remained in the same position until the evening, until they got removed. On a serious note, this collision didn’t look major and thankfully it looks as though no one got seriously injured.

One Reply to “How did that get there? Freak car crash astounds New Orleanians”

  1. 4uhuru says:

    Magazine infamous for strange wrecks. About a year ago, a small compact car flipped over in the exact same area of Magazine