“How did they get there?!” – Car seen driving on the Greenbelt in Boise

July 9, 2023 by 1 Comment

It’s not every day you’ll see a car on the Greenbelt in Boise. However, yesterday this was the case as a red Subaru was seen driving in the area. Now, you may think that this was a rude or selfish driver but apparently, this was an old lady who got lost while looking for the car park.

It’s not known what happened to the lady and whether she got a fine – but hopefully, she got out ok and it wasn’t too traumatic. This also begs the question as to how she actually got into this position in the first place which isn’t the easiest part of the Greenbelt to enter by a car either. On a positive note, at least she also avoided the grass!

Understandably, Boise locals questioned exactly how the car got into the area which is a good question, with one even joking: “That’s a special kind of stupid” However, not everyone saw the funny side of the video – and one person even claimed that she was a danger to potential joggers or people using the path on foot. Some even went as far as to criticize older drivers for being more incompetent and likely to do something like this.

Overall though, most people seemed to see the funny side of things. Not only this but even if you lived in Boise for the past ten years or more, you’d probably never seen such a sight – so at least it makes for a good conversation piece if nothing else.

One Reply to ““How did they get there?!” – Car seen driving on the Greenbelt in Boise”

  1. Kevin G says:

    I’ve done the same thing, mostly on accident. I know the way, but I’m not tellin.