“How does it stay in business?” – Wichita locals are all asking the same question

July 7, 2023 by 25 Comments

In a recent online discussion, Wichita locals all said the same thing about one store and its incredibly high prices. This began after one resident claimed, “Everything I buy I can buy for at least $2 less across the street at Walmart.” and even said that they saved $7 on pancakes and syrup after using Walmart as an alternative.

The supermarket in question was Dillons – which has various locations around the city. This prompted others to give their thoughts – with many claiming that Aldi was the best option due to offering both cheap and fresh foods at the same time.

It turns out that after the founder of Dillons retired over a decade ago, the store isn’t even local anymore, so you can’t even give it that advantage over the likes of Walmart either. This led to one Wichita resident saying: “I love my local Dillons location but it is crazy expensive sometimes. If I want to pay a premium I’ll go somewhere like Natural Grocers. Not Kroger haha.”

Now, you may question how on earth Dillons has survived with high prices – and the answer is that it isn’t. Over the past few years, multiple Dillons stores have closed in the city, and this trend looks to continue.

This shows that if you put your prices too high then eventually people will start voting with their feet. With this in mind, it may be that Dillons isn’t around for much longer, at least not with the prices they offer.

25 Replies to ““How does it stay in business?” – Wichita locals are all asking the same question”

  1. martin harding says:

    I’m sick of the high prices at Dillons. Many times we opt for Walmart anymore.

    1. S. Roberson says:

      Dillon’s is far better in pricing. They have weekly sales and clearance items. Wal-Mart has occasional sales. If you buy when things are on sale and use your Dillons card, you will save a lot. I’m not a fan of Wal-Mart

      1. Brad Brown says:

        I am a single bachelor, used to spend $65.00 every week and half. Now the same items are costing me $95 or more!

      2. A Thompson says:

        I agree. Work their sales, the fuel points it’s similar. There is more staff, shelves are fuller, cleaner. Everyone I know prefers shopping at Dillons.

      3. Heidi Foley says:

        Agreed. I always make sure to plan around their sales and add the coupons in my Dillons app. We save money in the end, making it close to Walmart or Aldi. PLUS we get $1.00 most months/ multiple times a month. AND we have the option opt into Donations to charities each month.

        LOTS OF PERKS to shopping at Dillons. Produce is WAYYYYY better than Walmart or Aldi

    2. Greg says:

      I used to spend $65 a week and now same list every week is now $95!

  2. Brad Stephen says:

    I totally disagree, Dillon’s is way better then the hassle of shopping at Wall Mart, and Aldi is ok for a few items but cannot be used for weekly shopping week in and week out.

    1. Ann says:

      I completely agree— you get what you pay for and the quality at Walmart is not good. If one is buying mostly processed foods then it probably doesn’t matter.

      1. Danette says:

        U just have to download the coupons and sometimes buy a certain amount and u can save a lot. And it’s much easier than Walmart.I ❤️my Dillons

  3. Stephanie Owens says:

    I love Dillons period. I shop at Walmart too,but Dillons meat tastes better!

    1. G says:

      Stopped going to dillons a long time ago!

  4. Carrie says:

    If you’re a massive couponer person, then Dillion’s is a good way to go, but you’d be spending hours upon hours if not days, finding enough to make it worth your time and energy and money..

  5. Darrell Stamback says:

    I shop for the best price be it Walmart or Dillons. But I prefer dillons because of the quality of there produce and other things.

  6. Jason O says:

    Half the time I can’t find what I want at Walmart. It’s easier to go to one place then gets some things at Walmart & then Dillons for the rest of the things Walmart doesn’t have.

  7. Trina Heath says:

    Between groceries and meds, we regularly get over a thousand fuel points a month. If I use my Kroger credit card I get an additional 5 cents which is 125 off a gallon. Also quarterly rebates and regular coupons geared to our preferences.

  8. Shirley Chapman says:

    I’ll go to Dillon any day over Walmart. The produce is fresh and other hard to find items are always in stock.

  9. Carrie Beets-Gorges says:

    The amount of food that is thrown away by Dillion, Aldi, and Walmart is insane!
    Thanks to all of these irresponsible businesses ICT is hotter than Mojave

  10. Gayleen Bernal says:

    Dillons had the best meat prices but have to use your coupons.
    Produce is fresh. Can’t beat it unless you grow your own.


    We left Dillons a couple of years ago and and never have shopped at Walmart. We shop and enjoy Leekers a locally owned grocery store at 61st Street North and Broadway. Prices are competitive and selection is good. We have learned to adapt because the other choices are not choices at all.

  12. Judith Rietcheck says:

    I shop Dillons for produce and meat. Things like dogfood and personal items, I use WalMart. I prefer Dillons, it’s close to my home, love the fuel points and coupons. I just shop where I need to get the best price.

  13. Mimi says:

    No to high prices at Dillions. We have choices , but if you want good meat and better produce than Dillions, give Aldi a try. I do both Aldi and Walmart. Picking up at Walmart is easy. You don’t have to go into the store to shop!

  14. John says:

    The only time Dillons is worthwhile is if you use a coupon and it’s one of those crazy ones that actually may be putting it below their cost. That’s all I buy there. I buy some stuff at Walmart like cake mixes with your way cheaper than Dillons I also really like Aldi. They have a great selection of things that you won’t see you in any of these other stores and we’ve never had a bad item from Aldi. The pharmacy in Dillons is getting a bit questionable because they’re generally late on refills.

  15. D. Miller says:

    Darlene Miller
    July 8, 2023
    I absolutely LOVE Dillons! I love the quality of their meats and the pleasantness of the employees. I shop at other stores as well, but Dillons ALWAYS provides a very calm and pleasant shopping experience for me. I pray that our Dillons stores NEVER close!

  16. Shelly says:

    I LOVE Dillons!!! WalMart is Not my favorite place to shop. Rude people, High Prices, Takes forever to find anything and then the lines to check out are RIDICULOUS!!! MY Dillons is closer to my home Too! I only got to Wal Marr for things they don’t have at Dillons. Allison, maybe twice a month maybe.

  17. Sam Richards says:

    Some towns only have Dillons.