“How on earth did it get there” – Austin locals BAFFLED by cars positioning

June 25, 2023 by 1 Comment

In a freak turn of events, a photo showed a black SUV fitting almost perfectly into two concrete pillars. This looked as though you couldn’t have even got it in there if you tried. This was taken last night between Ben white & Todd ln. As seen, the vehicle looked like a write off – and removing it from the pillars may cause even more damage.

However, the fate of the driver is still unknown. We can only hope that they are ok and not too badly injured. In fact, speaking from a safety perspective, this could have gone a lot worse had the SUV gone directly into the pillar head first. Thankfully, it doesn’t look as if this was the case though.

Austin natives were quick to speculate how this actually happened with one theorizing, “Poor decisions probably involving alcohol. But from a physics standpoint, probably veered into the pillar, smashed it, crumpled in the front end, momentum spun the back end towards the rear pillar, which probably took out some inches of the vehicle’s rear drivers side that we don’t see.” Elsewhere, others made some fairly predictable jokes involving parallel parking and turn lane’s.

If nothing else, this should serve of an example of poor driving. Always remember, it’s better to go slow rather than fast as you’ll always have more time to recover. And, while many people have seen the funnier side of this – it could always end much worse.

One Reply to ““How on earth did it get there” – Austin locals BAFFLED by cars positioning”

  1. Wags says:

    Hey Bud,you can’t park there!