Huge Car Collision takes place on SE 20th & Stark, Portland

May 31, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday at lunchtime, a car collision took place on SE 20th & Stark that involved a Prius toppling a Forester. As seen, both cars looked worse for wear with the front of the Prius being completely destroyed, whilst the Forester was literally tipped over and equally damaged. As of right now, there is little information on the people involved in the crash. However, based on the pictures, it looks like no one was seriously injured due to the lack of forensics, which is at least one positive note from this potentially deadly collision.

Locals quickly pointed out that this area is typically a 20MPH zone, which gets you wondering if any of these drivers were driving above the speed limit. Nonetheless, with the right force and angle, it is possible for cars to flip – even if they crash at under 20MPH.

On a similar note, locals also criticized the potentially hazardous nature of this particular intersection. This is because it’s located at the top of a hill that quickly merges lanes, making it pretty dangerous at times.

As seen from the traffic layout above, the number of intertwining roads, combined with the hill makes this one potentially quite tricky to navigate. As the saying goes, it only takes one person to cause a crash. On a final note, hopefully those involved are ok and if they are injured, they make a speedy recovery.