Huge Car Crash on Cherry and 7th this morning – Car Overturned

June 24, 2023 by No Comments

This morning saw a huge car crash take place on Cherry and 7th just outside of Dollar Mart. Here, a van was completely toppled over after crashing head first into a car on the other side of the road. Judging by the large dent in the silver car, this looked to do some significant damage. However, it was the van that looked the worst off as it literally crashed to the ground. Over the years, this area of Long Beach had a number of high profile car accidents.

Not only this, but it looked to be carrying a lot of goods inside – so hopefully this didn’t hit the driver in the head on impact. This could be seen as the back door was opened and the good also fell out into the street. Whether this contributed to the crash due to the weight remains unknown.

Long Beach cops were quick to act, with a total of eight who tended to the scene. Thankfully, no one was run over or crashed into – which means that this could have easily been fatal.

Nonetheless, information regarding the two vehicles and their passengers has not yet been revealed – so we can only hope for the best at this point. It should also be worth pointing out that that despite the van toppling over, sometimes this happens and people can still come out unscathed – so hopefully this is a case of something looking much worse than it actually is.