Huge car fire on Highway 26 nearly causes major accident

June 15, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, a car burst into flames on the side of Highway 26 – and could have easily caused a major accident. Luckily though, nothing serious occurred and no one got harmed. This took place on the westbound side and thankfully the driver had pulled over before the flames got worse. The car in question looked to be a Chevy Aveo and the fire was probably caused by some kind of electrical fault.

Anyway, when we say it could have turned into something more sinister, we’re not telling lies either. This is based on the video below. Here, a driver who passed the car happened to be filming it, and by chance, the tire exploded right as they went by. This could have easily caused the driver to have crashed which could have turned deadly.

Not only this, but it’s also lucky that it was just a tire exploding. Had this been some kind of electrical part of the car or the engine – then it could have easily killed the driver. As you can see in the wing mirror of the car, there were also rows of traffic in the rearview, meaning this could have turned into a pile-up.

If nothing else, this should serve as a cautious reminder to pay attention to your car and get them checked whenever anything seems on the decline. It goes without saying that on another day, things could have been much worse but thankfully nothing serious happened.