HUGE spate of cars burglarized in Wolfchase Target car park

July 8, 2023 by 1 Comment

Yesterday saw a large number of cars burglarized in the Wolfchase Target car park. The aftermath was photographed and shared on social media to alert the people of Memphis. Here, it showed various piles of smashed glass that had hit the floor after car windows were smashed, presumably to steal goods inside said cars.

While this incident may have passed, it also shares the importance of keeping your valuables out of sight when parking your car. Furthermore, if you want to go one step beyond then arguably, avoid having any values in your vehicle altogether. In some extreme cases, certain paranoid car owners have even resorted to parking with their windows completely down to deter their glass from getting smashed.

According to one local, this wasn’t the only spot that was hit up lately either. Talking online, they commented: “They hit the Walmart up the street on 64 about 2 nights ago as well. My wife works there and they said 17 cars got hit.”

With this in mind, it could be a targeted assault across Memphis with a crew at work, rather than a lone chancer. Based on this, it’s also entirely possible that similar break-ins will happen around other large car parks in the city. In short, it’s probably best to be a bit more vigilant around this time and take extra care when out and about. It’s also an idea to report any car crime to the Memphis Police Department which may speed up a larger investigation into these crimes.

One Reply to “HUGE spate of cars burglarized in Wolfchase Target car park”

  1. Denise says:

    The Mayor, Police Chief, MPD and SCPD are very aware of the crimes occurring at Wolfchase and surrounding areas. Where are the Surveillances, private undercover officers? They should have been on site and always prevalent to cease this type of activity. Support the citizens of Shelby County, we pay healthy taxes and we are tired of living in fear.
    What’s broken? An old saying is definitely true! A fish rots from the head. Our leaders have failed to uphold the rights of citizens to live safe. Send a bold statement to these criminals; “We will hunt you down, we will find you and you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent!!! No criminal should ever have been able to say, “ Hurry up and take me downtown, so I can make bond and get out!” A frustrated county!!!