Hundreds of Jet Skis Invade New York City – However, there’s a simple reason why

June 24, 2023 by No Comments

Today saw the peculiar sight of hundreds of Jet Skis invading the New York River. Typically, Jet Skis aren’t something that you’d normally associate with central New York. Nonetheless, footage captured them zooming downtown. This begs the question, why?

Also known as ‘The Invasion‘, this event was first created in 2017 by a Jet Ski enthusiast who wanted to share his love for Jet Ski’s and NYC with others. Since then, it’s become an annual event. To outsiders, this may seem a bit odd – but when you think about it, it’s actually quite a unique and interesting idea.

Put another way, this is a choreographed, safe event where the Jet Skis move in unison. Here, they tour the sights of New York and go past landmarks such as Brooklyn bridge, the Statue of Liberty, and other iconic parts of the city. When looked at in this way, it’s basically a cool version of a water tour bus with friends.

To those on land, it also offers a rare sight of mass Jet Skis flying through New York City. In short, it offers something a bit different and it’s stuff like this that makes New York a unique living experience. For those interested in joining the pack, you’re out of luck (for this year, at least) – as it only takes place once a year. With this said, you may have to wait another 365 days until next time.