Hyper Aggressive Buzzards ATTACK Locals at Jersey Shore

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

Although fights and reckless behavior aren’t too uncommon when visiting Jersey Shore, it was a different type of attack that raised eyebrows over the weekend. This took place in the form of a gang of super aggressive buzzards who attacked locals for food.

A short Youtube video was uploaded by a user named Emily, which was entitled “Hell, hath no fury than fearless buzzards” and the title was very fitting. In the earlier stages of the video, the birds flew around in the air, before moving nearer to the camera – whereby the person behind the camera had to violently shoe them away.

Later on in the video, a restaurant worker had to use a towel to try and fend them off. As ever with this kind of behavior, it looked as though the buzzards were food motivated, which makes sense considering it was located by a few restaurants.


Apparently, takings at Jersey Shore were down 20% from 2022 to 2021 and honestly, with videos like this – you can see why. Imagine trying to go for a relaxing walk or eat some food when you’re constantly harassed by buzzards, who literally try to steal your food and make constantly loud screeching noises. It may not sound that bad but based on the evidence above, it’s enough to put you off the New Jersey attraction for life.

And, with the summer season well on the way – it looks like we could be in for more crazed buzzards on the shore who will do anything for a bit of food which isn’t good if you’re visiting the area.