If you’re from Huntsville, chances are you’ll know this strange man – But who is he?

June 24, 2023 by 8 Comments

Over the years, Huntsville locals have often commented about one man in particular – who is often seen wondering around the city. Often, he can be seen with his phone in hand recording people, and is usually wearing a hat as well.

Anyway, if you’ve came across him then he can be quite confrontational and aggressive at times. Generally, it isn’t too uncommon to see him arguing with people can causing a commotion. So, why is this?

According to some, this man is an ‘auditor’ person who goes around purposely recording people in public. Supposedly, this is to gain a reaction, while staying in the limits of the law. In other words, he will often antagonize and provoke, without doing anything illegal.

Honestly, we don’t know why this is or what is gained from it – but this is based on the experience of many residents in and around Huntsville. One local who recently met him had this to say, “He’s a psycho, I know that much. I got in a screaming match with this idiot in my front yard one day for riding by yelling stuff at me and I finally got tired of it.”

Having said this, others have claimed that he could be mentally ill which actually makes sense when it comes to yelling obscenities at random people. Overall, the best advice if you meet this individual is to keep calm and try not to engage with him, otherwise you could end up in a confrontation. Ultimately though, he’s harmless enough and adds a bit of character to the city.

8 Replies to “If you’re from Huntsville, chances are you’ll know this strange man – But who is he?”

  1. Kim pennell says:

    He is huntsvilles crazy Louise cause she used to do the same thing in Decatur.

    1. Jonas thomas says:

      Yes she did !! Old crazy Louise I certainly remember her!

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is very dangerous! Not everyone is going to think twice before over reacting.

  3. Amanda G says:

    He said something smart to my mama and I got out and laid into him. He quickly rode off I guess he didn’t want any smoke that day!

  4. James Brown says:

    I disagree with the suggestion of this article that this man and his actions add “character” to Huntsville. His actions are not healthy and may result in someone hurting him or he hurting someone. If he needs mental help, his family should get help for him. Riding your bike or walking around Huntsville screaming, arguing, or saying unacceptable things to people does not add character to our City.

    1. Mary Ann Hockman says:

      We have enough every day conflict on normal everyday life. No one should have to encounter this kind of set pattern behavior.

    2. Charlie k says:

      I dont live in Huntsville but you hit it on nail

  5. Shaun says:

    Can’t we just have Marvin back…