Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds criticized for trip to Italy

June 23, 2023 by 10 Comments

Just yesterday, Iowa governor Kim Reynolds landed in Italy and had a meeting with Italy’s Minister of Enterprises, Adolfo Urso. According to Reynolds, she had visited the European country “to discuss deepening our trade relationship and investment opportunities in Iowa!” and was clearly very pleased to be there.

However, these feelings weren’t mutual with many Iowans who took the photo opportunity to bash her. One replied to her photo saying, “Italy is pretty liberal for you. Better be careful. Enjoy your tax funded Europe vacation” while a wider discussion was created about why she chose to visit Italy in person, despite having the ability to talk over video call.

Further still, some even jumped to conspiracies saying, “Because she’s smart enough not to discuss corruption tips and pointers over platforms that can record the event.” and “Don’t let her back in!” which was amongst one of the more childish comments in the thread.

In fairness, one user did empathize with Reynolds and said, “Zoom isn’t a replacement for person-to-person interaction. It’s a substitute and a good one for sure, but we’re human beings. Whether you believe in a specific set of terms or not, there are all sorts of things that happen in person versus online that are less noticeable but majorly impactful for conversation. For potentially tense convos, in person is WAY better.”

In brief, it’s pretty clear that governor Kim Reynolds doesn’t have much of a fanbase and what turned out to be a diplomatic trip to Italy turned into a negative PR piece. Whatever political side you’re on though, you can understand why she’s not very popular right now due to her ongoing lawsuits.

10 Replies to “Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds criticized for trip to Italy”

  1. Debb Williams says:

    Must be nice to take a vacation on my money and my neighbors money when I can’t afford to mow my lawn! Can’t wait to vote you out!

    1. TC Snell says:

      Totally agree.

    2. Kim Huinker says:

      Gee whiz, Kimmy – Congratulations! NOW you qualify for being a Supreme Court Justice! You GO, girl!

    3. Jen Lo says:


    4. Linda says:

      Agree. Wasting taxpayer money. I also can’t wait to vote you out!

    5. Judith Gonzales says:

      Kimmy is dismantling the State of Iowa brick by brick-we need Rob Sand! Our education system, mental health coverage and all this by a person who publicly said she doesn’t think nurses even go to college This by a person who only graduated from college in 2016-she doesn’t make well informed decisions-only GOP decisions!

  2. Pauline Kuehl says:

    Her in person visit might have been acceptable, if a trade deal had been finalized, but not only did she go but her husband and the economic development director also along for the ride

    1. Gloria Ketter says:

      Agreed 100%!

  3. Barb Ferris says:

    Seems pretty convenient she and her husband take this trip right after she forces the gop legislators to pass a bill to strip Rob Sand,the State Auditor, of his ability to do his job, protecting Iowans tax dollars. Kim Corrupt Reynolds is screwing Iowans again.

  4. Kyle Bolton says:

    This governor we have don’t care about Iowaians cause if she did then she would approve recreational marijuana in Iowa.