Is he brave or just plain stupid? Man CLIMBS the Eastlund Hotel with no safety equipment

June 3, 2023 by 1 Comment

Yesterday saw the bizarre sight of a man climbing the side of Hotel Eastlund with no safety or equipment in sight. Instead, he had successfully managed to scale the huge building using his hands. Undoubtedly, this is an impressive feat – at the same time, you could also accuse him of being incredibly stupid as it would only take one slight movement to end in tragedy.

As seen, the architecture of Eastlund Hotel (located in the Lloyd District) makes it a lot easier to climb when compared to your average building. This is because it has bricks that stick out, allowing people to get a good grip when climbing. In this sense, it’s kind of similar to a rock climbing wall, rather than a typical hotel with plenty of ledges to grip and rest on. Nonetheless, this is still a very dumb move and just looking at it makes your palms sweat!

This image is also pretty ironic and many have pointed out the very obvious idiocy surrounding the climb. This is because quite literally, there are stairs to the top located within touching distance from the climber. Now, you could argue that there’s no challenge in using the stairs…but still, the point remains that this defeats the very purpose of the climb. For those wondering, thankfully the man made it to the top and came out unscathed. Nonetheless, this is a good example of stupidity and is certainly not recommended.

One Reply to “Is he brave or just plain stupid? Man CLIMBS the Eastlund Hotel with no safety equipment”

  1. Joe Schmo says:

    If you don’t want it climbed, you shouldn’t have advertised it!