Is Portland Finally Sick Of George Soros? Mayor Wheeler Announces Drug Policy U-Turn

June 16, 2023 by 9 Comments

At a Portland Business Alliance event, Mayor Wheeler announced that there may be a policy which bans open drug use. Whilst nothing is yet set in stone, this is certainly a positive for many Portland residents who have suffered at the hands of non-stop fires, anti-social behaviour and having to walk through campsites littered with trash.

This however, does bring us on to how all of the drug decriminalization happened in the first place.

Firstly, it seems that the path to where Portland is right now was paved with good intentions. After hearing about the country of Portugal deals with drug abuse (and is successful at it too), it only made sense for the city to introduce Measure 110.

However, 3 years later, almost everyone will agree that Portland is a far cry away from Portugal. Measure 110 has created urban campsites and quite a lot of civil unrest in the city. Whilst reports may have been sensationalized at times, crime went up every year since Measure 110 was introduced.

Furthermore, residents are tired of substance addicted people shouting outside of their homes, alongside the many random fires springing up throughout the city.

How Does George Soros Fit Into All Of This?

Many local residents may not know, that is was George Soros who indirectly funded this legislation. The Drug Policy Alliance is an organization that spent money securing signatures to get Measure 110 to ballot in the first place.

It’s quite clear what the goals of the Drug Policy Alliance are. However, at this point it seems we can all agree the end results of these policies have made the city of Portland worse, no matter what the intentions were in the first place.

The fact remains that George Soros is a New Yorker at heart and has lived in the city since the mid 50’s. Why then, is an individual from New York, trying to influence the drug policies of a city some 2800 miles away?

Regardless of your own political opinions, it would be strange for an Oregon resident billionaire to begin funding drug policies on the other side of the country. To put this in to context, in an alternate reality, if Phil Knight decided he was going to fund drug decriminalization in Florida – this would raise a lot of questions and eyebrows.

9 Replies to “Is Portland Finally Sick Of George Soros? Mayor Wheeler Announces Drug Policy U-Turn”

  1. Darrin Carr says:

    I disagree I think that people want to blame measure 110 for the addiction issues we have in the Portland metro area measure 110 didn’t cause campsites to pop up in the city and cause people to become so watchful of these issues it’s what is being politicized and it’s all they have to do it watch the houseless and judge them maybe if we got out and helped these people things would be different quit making policies and laws get money to treatment centers there is only of a few of them in the area and a whole hell of a lot of addicts the bed amounts don’t even come close to what we need in Portland this is pathetic

    1. John Logan says:

      Legal drugs! No enforcement on citations issued! An understaffed police department! It’s possible you won’t even be prosecuted if the court system is overloaded… All the free camping gear & clothes just to name a few things that are free. Portland ATTRACTS the homeless from other states. The word is out, Portland is the place to be. How would I know all this? I’ve spent the last 6 years homeless! Don’t get me wrong, there’s a need for all the resources that are available. There needs to be some accountability for them.

    2. sumaiyya evans says:

      Exactly, housing,real health care. Not everyone shuffled into mental health and switching seats in the titanic to big pharma drugs or other highly addictive drugs that are poor replacements instead of dealing with the core root of addiction. It’s a social fulfilling prophecy to require someone to be chronically homeless, mentally ill, and a drug addict to qualify for housing.

    3. This is a joke. Spend money on treatment centers? VA is an excellent example. They have been treating addiction of veterans many years.
      They get them off drugs and or alcohol. Put them through treatment, house them and help them get jobs, pension or some type of income.Have outpatient counseling and what is the result. 90 some % are back to where they came from in a short period of time.
      And they come back when they are hurting again.
      I know I was their 21 years. Had to wait until I was ready. I just went to detox one day and was so sick and tired of myself I quit. That was over 40 years ago

  2. Tim Scott says:

    The leaders of this State are so stupid! They inact feel good laws, and never address the problems. Now after all the damage is done, they try to repair the damage too little, to late. Why are these incompetent people continually voted back in to office? This will never change until the voters start paying attention to those that lead this State. When I was raised here in the Portland area it was a beautiful place, I will be retiring soon and will be leaving.

  3. Jamie says:

    I agree . I said things would get worse and they have. It’s also affecting Salem. It saddens me to even go outside.

    1. Debbie says:

      The thing is is since measure 110 past. We actually are seeing how many attics we actually have here in the state of Oregon. They’re just being open about it now compared to before when they’d be hiding in the bushes and trailers and houses now people are just doing it out in the open what we need is a lot more residential treatment centers and detox right after 110 past The state said lack of funding and closed down 4 treatment centers hello

  4. Mike says:

    If George Soros financed the campaign for measure 110 with all good intentions why doesn’t he also create a non profit and fund drug treatment centers?

  5. Molly says:

    George Soros is performing a social experiment in Portland and the voters are allowing him to do it!! Wake up people. If he was so good intentioned then why wouldn’t he enact his “good intentions “ on the people of his own state, in his own area? Also, since this experiment has obviously failed, why doesn’t he take responsibility and fund the clean up to turn Portland around and get her back to her former glory?