“Is that Jaws?” – Possible SHARK spotted at Chicago Yacht Club

July 6, 2023 by 5 Comments

For years, there have been rumors of sharks in The Great Lakes with little proof. So, you can imagine the surprise when one Chicago resident filmed a shark that was swimming in the waters at the Chicago Yacht Club. This wasn’t some kind of grainy footage either, as you can easily see the fin sticking out above the water.

And, although this wasn’t the biggest (possible) shark in the world – it was still a notable size. This drew attention on social media, where one Chicagoan even joked, “Is that Jaws?” in a nod to the classic shark attack movie.

Having said this, not everyone was convinced. According to experts, this was most likely a carp or sturgeon. Apparently, shark fins are made differently and are less floppy than the one pictured. Sadly, for conspiracy fans, this is the most likely outcome, as it makes logical sense that it would be a large fish, as opposed to a shark.

At the same time, it still makes for a cool video and shows the size of some of the fish in Chicago’s local waters. It also didn’t fail to get tongues (and fins) wagging about the possibility of a shark in Chicago. If this was a shark, then you could also argue that it was quite a classy one at that due to being a resident at the yacht club.

5 Replies to ““Is that Jaws?” – Possible SHARK spotted at Chicago Yacht Club”

  1. John krawiec says:

    It’s possibly a large carp, salmon or trout I have been scuba diving Lake Michigan for over 25 yrs and he f seen a shark !
    The surface of the water is very warm and it Carp spawn time they in the harbors at Belmont

  2. Terri says:

    It is possible for a shark a certain breed than go from salt water to fresh. Years ago a shark came through the St Lawrence Seaway and washed up on the beach in Zion before the nuclear plant was built.

    1. Linda Augustus says:

      Bull sharks have traveled from the gulf up the Mississippi River.

    2. John Plesha says:

      Bull sharks have made it to the IL River and they tolerate freshwater quite regularly in the Mississippi river so why not.

  3. Rogelio Rodriguez says:

    Why take a chance. Start investigating..before it’s to late for some person or persons.