Is this Connecticut’s WORST driver – Or just the most hypocritical?

June 28, 2023 by 3 Comments

This car was recently photographed in Bristol, Connecticut at the Oakland Commons shopping center. As seen in the photo below, their parking left a lot to be desired. Astonishingly, even though this car was fairly small – it managed to take up a whopping four parking bays and couldn’t have been parked worse if it was done on purpose. Furthermore, it wasn’t like the car park was completely empty either – as you can make out quite a few cars in the background.

As if that wasn’t enough, this story also has a large dose of hypocrisy to go with it. Pictured on the side view, there was a huge painting of Jesus Christ which says, “I love you Jesus”. Also painted, was the name “Father Ed Nadolny” next to his phone number. Honestly, you couldn’t make it up. It goes without saying that parking in such a selfish fashion is not in line with Christian values.

The last, bizarre part of this story is that the car is also a Saturn. This is a now-defunct car manufacturer that ceased trading back in 2002 – so it’s a minor miracle that this car has lasted that long.

Irrespective of the religious element or car brand though, the main point is the woeful parking. Seriously, it only takes a few seconds to park correctly and this doesn’t inconvenience anyone else in the area.

3 Replies to “Is this Connecticut’s WORST driver – Or just the most hypocritical?”

  1. Bill Chapman says:

    This is typical Bristol Ct I was a commercial driver for 30 years where I lived in Bristol and I catch a lot of grief because I honestly have had days where I drove truck hundreds of miles and the scariest miles of the day were in my personal vehicle driving home across town.

    Not to mention I have over 190,000 miles on my motorcycles and over 90% of my close calls have been in the city of Bristol. Not to mention the only major wreck I’ve had was here in Bristol.

    So a small minded idiot using 4 spots for a Saturn is mild

    1. Why says:

      Yea that sucks I’ll prob leave a note . but tell me what skeletons you have in your closet? I know we have something that makes us small minded idiots in one way or another . Or your a perfect human bein ? You never cut in front of someone not using signals? You ever say F you to someone when your the one that cut someone off? Cause I’ve done them all & I’m sure IV parked like a idiot once or 2wice B4 myself. So Yea you are just as a small minded idiot as we all are at times .

  2. Auntie DC says:

    This is what I would call a new age parking professional. (LoL) Shout out to the onwner of this vehicle. This is definitely a great way to capture the attention of the lost souls that need a little reminder.