Is this house the BIGGEST Rip Off in Reno? Locals seem to think so

July 5, 2023 by 1 Comment

This property was recently shared on social media, and was universally mocked for its astonishingly high price. Originally posted on Zillow, this Reno house is yours – so long as you have $5,850,000 in the bank. No, that’s not an error – it’s actually listed for close to $6 million which makes it the most expensive property in the Reno area.

Now, this house is certainly very nice and it’s definitely out of budget for most people. Neither are we saying that it shouldn’t be worth a few million. However, $5,850,000 almost seems as though it was plucked out of thin air and made up. Bizarrely, the Zillow advert doesn’t feature any interior shots of the house – which is strange because you’d think there would be more effort put into such an expensively priced property.

This house sits on 1.4 acres and has four bedrooms and five bathrooms. However, its best feature is definitely its location. The views here are scenic to say the least, while it also offers a lot in terms of privacy.

One resident wrote “For $5 million you don’t even get a pool.” while another claimed, “YIKES. The view! I’ve seen better views in homes worth about $600k.”

However, others claimed that due to its neighborhood and location, this price may actually be met. It just goes to show that sometimes the property market can be subjective – and if you have millions in the bank, you’re probably living in a different reality compared to most of us.

One Reply to “Is this house the BIGGEST Rip Off in Reno? Locals seem to think so”

  1. Reap says:

    It’s worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, just like everything else on the planet.